Greens before Harvesting |
This has been a difficult year for the garden. We have seen a variety of animal invasions. However, we have had a different kind of harvest. I estimate that from the potatoes we planted this year, we harvested about 30 pounds. It was interesting that the Purple Mollys did even better than the read potatoes. If we have the space next year, we will definitely grow the Purple Molly potato. After all, as someone said, "They're fun!"
Carrots and Kale |
In addition to the animal difficulties, we have had problems getting the vegetables picked. Today I harvested greens (perpetual spinach and rainbow chard) for the third time. We may have been able to have had more harvest, if they had been picked. The people who helped pick vegetables last year have been ill and unable to help this year. I have had poison ivy twice this season and now either have a very long lasting cold or (more likely) have discovered that I have allergies. It has been difficult for me to pick vegetables this year and have them ready for others.
Late Leaf Lettuce |
In John 4, Jesus speaks to the woman at the well. The upshot is that both the woman and her (Samaritan) neighbors are open to the possibility that Jesus is the Messiah.
John 4:35 Don't you have a saying , "It's still four months until harvest"? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.
Tomatoes were not very productive |
Beets harvested 10-14-13 |
There are all kinds of harvests that we need to pick and conserve, lest they spoil.