Friday, August 24, 2012

Sharing the Produce of our Lives

Bean Blossoms
We have a problem.  We have produce, but not enough of particular kinds for everyone.  Let me explain what has happened.  The weather has been a bit drier, so the cucumbers and butternut squash have suffered.  Some of their leaves are turning yellow.  We have not sufficiently watered them.  Also, while I had placed something to discourage the deer in that garden, something seems to be enjoying the tips of the cucumber plants.  I have not been enjoying the effect.

One of the few cucumbers
We are blessed to have beans.  The problem with many vegetables is that if you do not pick them early, they get tough or even go to seed.  When a plant goes to seed, from its point of view, it has done its job.  In other words, seeds of the children of the plant.  So  when I picked the first of the beans, I noticed enough (I judge) for 2 units.   Now we all know that a few veggies can be added to stir fry, but what how do we divide the first cucumbers and beans?  So I have made an executive decision.  We will rotate who gets the beans and cucumbers or items in small quantities.  We also will continue giving herbs and vegetables to Beth Am Messiah  and others.
Summer Squash at Beth Am Messiah

Yellow Squash soon to be ready
Produce from Gan Am Messiah will be shared in the best way I know how. Like the quantities and the manner in which plants produce, each of us does things in different ways. We all have different personalities, gifts and talents. Those of us who have been directly receiving vegetables have put money, time and expertise into the garden.  One family even allows us to use their back yard for potatoes, cucumbers and butternut squash.  Spiritually we are to use these within our congregations to build both the congregation and each other up.. 

Using her gift to picking tomatoes
7 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. 8 To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10 to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. 11 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines. (Corinthians 12:7-11 (NIV)).

As we share our produce, I hope we will continue to grow in sharing life together in the Messiah Yeshua - Jesus.

Glacier and Cherry Tomatoes, Perpetual Spinach and Chard, Onions, Basil and  ?

Friday, August 17, 2012

Protecting our Garden

Tomatoes 8-17-12
We have truly been blessed with the garden.  I counted about 60 (small) tomatoes that I picked today.  Yes, they were all cherry or Glacier, but there they were.  We should have Marketmore cucumbers by next week.  We have been decorating with and giving away excess basil and other herbs.  We look forward to yellow summer squash, zucchini, and Provider green beans.  But there have been set backs.

Bean Blossoms 8-14-12
Carrots and Beets   8-17-12
I have written about various troubles that we have had.  Troubles come in many shapes and sizes.  Some problems are to be expected and should be planned for.  Others are totally unexpected.

Cucumber 8-17-12
Onion 8-17 12
We did not expect Goniff, the groundhog, to take up residence under the porch at Beth Am Messiah.  We did expect our fence to keep out the critters out.  We did not expect tunneling under the fence.  Everyone expected that we would need to water, so arrangements were made with hoses at both sites.  However, despite drought in other parts of the country, we have had regular thunderstorms.  Of course we have had weeds and actively pull them at least weekly.

Another problem that we have anticipated was a deer invasion at the other site.  We have been fortunate, but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  We were given (of all things) fox urine to scare away small animals including groundhogs.  I also obtained a system that dispense a similar scent that repels deer at the other site.

Butternut Squash

In the same way, we guard the garden against troubles, we should be guarding our own lives and the lives of our family.  Prudent people take out insurance to avoid the complications of fire, theft, and other kinds of loses.  How much more important is it for us to guard our spirits and souls.  The Scripture says that he who has the Son has life (1John).  Perhaps it is time to take out an Eternal Life policy.

Small Tomatoes, Basil, Beets, Carrots, Mint, Onions

Friday, August 10, 2012

Second Chances

Bean Blossom 8-10-12
Glacier Tomato 8-10-12
We are in high summer.  When I was young, high summer meant that it was time to let nature take its course.  That is we would pick the produce and not weed as much.  We would certainly not do any more planting.  It is a little bit different at Gan Am Messiah - the Garden of the Messiah.  This is both in terms of the actual garden and the way He cultivates our lives.
Eaten Peppers
It is fortunate that we get second, third and sometimes even fourth chances.  We have been successful with keeping Goniff (translate as thief), the woodchuck out of the garden.  Our methods against deer will hopefully continue to work (,more on that next week).  We are pleased to have second chances with our vegetables.

Eaten Cabbage
Second Chance Peppers 8-10-12

Please compare this week to past in weeks in terms of our peppers, squash, and cabbage. Each of these vegetables have received second chances to produce fruit.  Now a special word about the cabbage.  When cabbage it eaten down it tends to sprout up with more than one head.  This week I removed the "extra head."  Those of you so involved will find some of it in your bag.  We will be picking ALL the carrots and beets next week to ensure that they do not get woody.  (Yes, we have and will be planting fall beets and perhaps other things as well).  There is a discipline involved in the garden and involved on our second changes in life and with the LORD.

Second Chance Cabbage
Yellow Squash Buds 8-10-12
After denying Yeshua (Jesus) three times, Peter not only felt awful, he also in fact failed, as we all inevitabily do.  It was not easy for Yeshua to discuss this with Peter, nor was it easy for Peter to answer.  Three times Yeshua asked if Peter loved Him and three times Peter replied.  It was a difficult turning for Peter. (John 21:  He had to turn from self reliance to Yeshua reliance.  In other words, in the past Peter had thought he knew best.  He was the one who told Yeshua that Yeshua must not die (Matthew 16:22-24).   He was the one who boasted that he who never denounce Yeshua (Luke 22:31-34).  Peter's turning to put his trust in Yeshua rather than his own understanding of the times.  Even and especially in these times, we must choose to do the same.
cherry tomatoes, perpetual spinach and chard (mixed), beets, carrots and cabbage

Friday, August 3, 2012


Cherry Tomatoes  8-1-12
Last week we had our first tomato and were congratulated by my brother.  Now my brother has extensive horticultural experience.  He has had his own mini-farm from which he has sold vegetables at a Farmers Market.  He has been in the Peace Corp and trained others and he has a Masters Degree in Horticulture.  In the family we like to say he is a  "master of peaches."

Ripeening Glacier Tomatoes  8-1-12
Early production of tomatoes run in the family.  We had an uncle who used to brag that he would have a tomato by the Fourth of July... and he did.  However,  if I remember correctly his tomatoes gave out before ours did every year.  He chose to purchase early producers and got what he desired.  The three tomatoes that we have had so far are from the variety Glacier.  While I grew these from seed, I also knew that it was a very early producer.   The tomatoes are just beyond cherry size.  In fact  I  should have had the tomatoes earlier.  Those tomatoes will give out before the end of August.  We have other cherry and mid-season tomatoes planted just for that contingency, but it was a matter of choices.

Moulton, Jim. fawns.jpg. July 15, 2009. Pics4Learning.
 3 Aug 2012 <>
Our beets and carrots are small, but probably not going to grow much more.  Even if they do, they may become "woody."  To pick or not to pick... it is a matter of choices. 

Should we put up a fence at our other site, chance the deer population or use deterrent.  That too is a matter of choices.

Marigolds   8-1-12
So often in the garden and life itself we have decisions to make.  We often make (minor) mistakes in the risks we take.  Sometimes we even make major mistakes and land in major problems.  Our choices are often determined by timing.  There are better times than others to plant things.

Cucumber with blossom - 8-1-12
One of my acquaintances was sure that our potatoes were planted much too late.  While I have to agree that they should have been planted earlier, they seem to be doing very well.  In fact when another strongly opinionated gardener visited our potato patch, the comment was,..."well you can plant potatoes later, they mature quickly."   Choices can be good, better or best.

Onions, Squash and Potatoes
In determining when to do something, the Eternal One knows just the right time.  Scripture says, " But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons." (Galations 4:4,5 - New King James Version).  This term - "fullness of time" is translated in different ways.  It can be translated as "time fully come" (NIV), "proper time" (Amplified), and "appointed time" (Complete Jewish Bible).  This is not a matter of chronological time, but of the proper, special, strategic time.  The Greek word is kairos.  In the same way we need to plant at the very best strategic time, so the God sent His  Son - Yeshua/Jesus for us.  In the same way that we have a choice to plant seeds at specific times and the best times, we have a choice to accept Yeshua as Messiah even today.  There are many choices to make... is this your kairos time to make them?

Herbs:  Dill, Basil, Parsley  available to all at oneg at Beth Am Messiah  August 3, 2012