Bean Blossom 8-10-12 |
Glacier Tomato 8-10-12 |
We are in high summer. When I was young, high summer meant that it was time to let nature take its course. That is we would pick the produce and not weed as much. We would certainly not do any more planting. It is a little bit different at Gan Am Messiah - the Garden of the Messiah. This is both in terms of the actual garden and the way He cultivates our lives.
Eaten Peppers |
It is fortunate that we get second, third and sometimes even fourth chances. We have been successful with keeping Goniff (translate as thief), the woodchuck out of the garden. Our methods against deer will hopefully continue to work (,more on that next week). We are pleased to have second chances with our vegetables.
Eaten Cabbage |
Second Chance Peppers 8-10-12 |
Please compare this week to past in weeks in terms of our peppers, squash, and cabbage. Each of these vegetables have received second chances to produce fruit. Now a special word about the cabbage. When cabbage it eaten down it tends to sprout up with more than one head. This week I removed the "extra head." Those of you so involved will find some of it in your bag. We will be picking ALL the carrots and beets next week to ensure that they do not get woody. (Yes, we have and will be planting fall beets and perhaps other things as well). There is a discipline involved in the garden and involved on our second changes in life and with the LORD.
Second Chance Cabbage
8-10-12 |
Yellow Squash Buds 8-10-12 |
After denying Yeshua (Jesus) three times, Peter not only felt awful, he also in fact failed, as we all inevitabily do. It was not easy for Yeshua to discuss this with Peter, nor was it easy for Peter to answer. Three times Yeshua asked if Peter loved Him and three times Peter replied. It was a difficult turning for Peter. (John 21: He had to turn from self reliance to Yeshua reliance. In other words, in the past Peter had thought he knew best. He was the one who told Yeshua that Yeshua must not die (Matthew 16:22-24). He was the one who boasted that he who never denounce Yeshua (Luke 22:31-34). Peter's turning to put his trust in Yeshua rather than his own understanding of the times. Even and especially in these times, we must choose to do the same.
cherry tomatoes, perpetual spinach and chard (mixed), beets, carrots and cabbage
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